Headquarters of STR Praha s.r.o.

Jemnická 13
CZ 140 00 - Praha 4
Czech Republic

☏  Phone: +420 241 483 080
✉ E-mail: str@str.cz
The company is incorporated in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague
Section C
Insert 7431
Company registration number: 442 65 646
Tax identification number: CZ 442 65 646
Only office premises are accessible from Jemnická Street!

For the reception and dispatch of goods, it is necessary to use the rear entrance located in Baarova Street , approximately 70 m from the crossroads with Michelská Street. On arrival, it is necessary to call the phone number to open the gate.

Use the following coordinates for navigation:
50.050043N, 14.457888E
50°03'00.1"N, 14°27'28.4"E

Office building - Jemnická Street
Dispatch and receipt of goods - Baarova Street

Use the form below to give us your comments or directly ask for our products.
Enter your valid email address in the form. We will try to answer it shortly.

However, in the case of a request for a conveyor or a conveyor system, please send an e-mail to our address with the basic details of transported product, what quantity and where it needs to be transported. It is best to send a sketch or photo with a description. If necessary, we will ask for additional information, or we will come directly to the customer and measure all the details on the spot. We will then prepare an offer exactly according to your requirements.

Basic necessary information:
  • Product to be transported and its material and position.
  • From, to
  • Delivery speed and number of pieces per minute (power)
  • Delivery date.

All items in the form are mandatory.

The main parts are manufactured in our workshop.

We have been developing and manufacturing machines for 30 years and we have rich experience in them.

To the whole world
International trade.

We have delivered transport systems and handling equipment to a number of companies around the world.

Own development
Experienced team

We specialise in custom production according to the wishes and requirements of the customer.

"Almost anything you can imagine can become a reality."
© STR Praha s.r.o.  2024
  ☏ +420 241 483 080
 ✉ str@str.cz
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We do not use or store analytical or marketing cookies on our website.
According to the Electronic Communications Act (Act No. 127/2005 Coll. in the Czech Republic), your consent to the use of cookies is therefore not necessary.